
Welcome to Ninjalane v3.5 - HTML5 Edition

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For the longest time I was holding back on updating to the new HTML5 standard due to the lack of browser support.  Though as time rolled on I quickly that HTML5 is the future and while it isn't an official standard (according to the W3C) the fact that all modern browsers support some part of HTML5 was good enough for me to go forward with the update.

As of this news post Chrome is still the only browser to fully support HTML5.  Both FF and IE9 support the majority of HTML5's new tagging structure but lack some of the other key components.  Personally I still think that 3rd party plugins are the way to go when it comes to some of the new HTML5 features so ultimately I'm glad they opted not to support them.

What about IE8 and IE7, don't they lack the basics when it comes to HTML5?
It is true that IE8, IE7 and *shudder* IE6 are clueless when it comes to understanding the new tags in HTML5 but the browsers do support stylizing XML.  The trick is you must tell the browser what to look for and how to stylize them, after that it the browsers will render things like in newer browsers.  For the time being I've added a new JavaScript file that will create the additional code required to render HTML5 in these older browsers.

If you are curious about the HTML5 upgrade or run into any rendering issues please stop by the forums and let me know.

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