NVIDIA’s latest drivers hint at Counter-Strike 2 or Counter-Strike Source 2
There once was this free game that quickly became the defacto reason to host a late night LAN party with friends, beer and friendly razzing. The game was called Counter Strike and was one of the games that helped launch Steam as a powerhouse in online game distribution and DRM security.
Since then, Steam has become a go-to source for current hardware trends from actual gamers which help hardware makers determine what people are playing and what platforms they are using.

It would seem that NVIDIA may have leaked a new Counter Strike game by including that profile in their latest driver release. While this sounds a little far-fetched it is not outside the realm of possibility given that these line items that make it past QA are often rather reliable.
My guess is that this is most likely the rumored remaster of CS in Source 2 Engine. After all, it can’t be a sequel to CS as we’d have heard at least something about such a huge project. However, you should temper your expectations. Do not expect this to be a full remake of this classic game.
My guess is that if this is Counter-Strike Source 2, it will only feature QoL improvements (as well as some performance improvements due to Source2 Engine). And yes, I don’t expect higher-quality textures or any Ray Tracing effects.
It will be interesting to see what finally gets released or, if the lines end up getting removed in the next driver drop. Knowing a little about software development and how "overworked/lazy" developers and their QA counterparts can be I wouldn't be surprised either way.
Related Web URL: https://www.dsogaming.com/news/nvidias-latest-driv...