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Gigabyte Radeon HD5770 Video Card Review
Author: Will West
Published: Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In the pursuit of getting more out of your money we turn to overclocking, which has really taken on a life of its own. With any graphics card it is good to know what the speed limits might be, and the Gigabyte Radeon HD 5770 is a real treat for overclocking.

The effective overclock here is pretty good, but we're sure we could get more with a watercooling setup. The Gigabyte cooler is still pretty good and kept card temperatures down throughout our tests.
Does the overclock equal anything extra in the gaming environment? Read on to find out.
Does the overclock equal anything extra in the gaming environment? Read on to find out.

Our overclock translated into about a 6 to 9 FPS gain in UT3 across the board. This is not a huge jump but it a positive move in the right direction. For gaming these few more frames can smooth things out for a better gaming experience.

The frame rate boost here is very similar to the UT3 gaming experience with an average boost of about 10 frames a second. Not that the Radeon HD 5770 needs much more speed, but any extra free speed is always welcomed.