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AVN Adult Entertainment Expo 2010 Coverage (NSFW)
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Monday, January 18, 2010

Love Dolls and Various Toys
Real Doll had a much larger booth this year and was showing off a few new dolls that were modeled to look exactly like various actors and adult performers. They had an alien doll on display that looked to be part cyborg and part love doll. Notice the cooling fan and wire veins.
(sorry for the bad photo, the doll was in a curved plastic case and the booth next door cornered the market on neon signs.)
(sorry for the bad photo, the doll was in a curved plastic case and the booth next door cornered the market on neon signs.)
Real Doll
Boy Toy was around the corner along with the various display models.
A couple of new companies where showing off some other silicon and inflatable style dolls.
A couple of new companies where showing off some other silicon and inflatable style dolls.

Real Touch
We looked at Real Touch last year and it still remains one of the most hi-tech adult devices ever.