Computex 2010 Pre Show Presentations - Day 0
Published: Monday, May 31, 2010 | Posted By: Dennis
Computex officially starts June 1st and marks the 30th anniversary of the show. Aside from getting a visitors badge and studying the show floor map there isn't much to do at the actual show. In the WTC Hall 1 you can still see some booths being assembled and no carpet on the floor. This is likely to keep the carpet from getting damaged and to cover up the exposed wires afterwards.

Some companies do host pre-show meetings and/or parties; sometimes you can get an invite to these, other times you have to know the special handshake and various passcodes just to get the time of day, either way it's all about who you know, and being in the right place at the right time.
I did get an invite to the nVidia 3D Experience presentation; several things were announced including 3D PCs (complete with nVidia 3D Vision glasses). GeForce 465GTX (Fermi), and something I'm rather interested in, 3D Video streaming using Microsoft Silverlight.
The last event of the day was the media welcome party hosted by Gigabyte, its one of those events that doesn't really serve a purpose other than pulling all of the worldwide media together in one place to drink beer and have a good time.
I may have mentioned this before but one of my favorite pastimes in Taiwan is to witness what I call "scooter rage". Despite the name it is not a violent act but rather the intense sound of 50+ chainsaws running full bore when the traffic light changes.

All good fun.