
A year later: Transformer Prime @ LanOC Reviews

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I too have a Transformer Prime and when it comes to tablets I use it quite often.  The problem is I don't consume media on it in the traditional sense.  Yes I fire up pandora from time to time, and I surf the web doing research and even watch a movie or two but nothing can replace my Asus Slate.

That is unless you are doing mobile website testing, then get a Prime,  NOW!

I’m going to come clean to you guys/girls. I have had tablets for the past 2-3 years and for the first few years, I really never put them to use. I found them to be cumbersome, slow, and there just wasn't enough reason to use them. Frankly I could do it all on my phone just as well, with a smaller screen of course. About a year ago I had a Transformer Prime come in. With Nvidia’s Tegra 3 quad core CPU I was intrigued and the optional keyboard was icing on the cake. I decided to REALLY give it a try and see what I thought. A year later I want to talk a little about my experience.

So with an intro like that, I'm wondering if they really liked the tablet or are just trying to get you to click on the link.

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