
Mobile Devices Will Be Dead by 2015!

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The great thing about the internet is that just about anything can be a story.  Some are based on fact while others happen to genesis with speculation.  Some have speculated that unless a new battery technology is created you will no longer be able to power a laptop, cell phone, tablet or electric car because of the scarcity of Lithium.

Oh ya, and not to mention a whole race of crazy people off their meds.

What do a cell phone, a laptop and an electric car have in common?

All three use batteries made with lithium - the lightest metal in nature. About five grams is in an average laptop, about half a gram in a cell phone. Surprisingly, what keeps your devices charged and wireless can also affect your brain: It's an active ingredient in drugs used to treat manic depression. Batteries using lithium have twice the capacity of traditional nickel cadmium batteries, creating a "lithium boom" in several places around the world as these technologies become more ubiquitous. In China, cell phone sales were up 57 percent last year; in India, cell phone use is expected to double by 2014.

They claim the world is running out of oil and the one thing we created to combat an oil shortage is a plastic filled electric car.  

Maybe I'm missing something there but that just doesn't seem right.

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