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  • reviews
  • cooling
  • Gigabyte G-Power-Pro Heatsink Review
  • Gigabyte G-Power-Pro Heatsink Review



    Aircooling is the easiest and most economical way to cool your CPU however due to increasing heat loads it has become more and more imperative that a whatever heatsink you decide on is able to handle these loads.

    The Gigabyte G-Power is a rather loud cooler, the fan spins fast and generates a lot of noise, though once the speed controller is connected the loud roar becomes less of an issue once the fan RPM decreases. To help offset the loud fan you will find 4 brilliant blue LEDs under the fan blades, watch the pretty lights and forget your troubles. happy smile
    When it comes to performance the G-Power did perform better than our stock cooler, but fell well short when compared to our favorite Alpha cooler. Overall we would consider the performance of the Gigabyte G-Power to be average at stock settings and below our standards when it comes to overclocking. On a related note during our overclocking test our system exhibited terrible stability problems due to the temperature spike. We found it necessary, after just starting a round of quake 3, to exit the game in phj34r of serious system damage. Given this observation we cannot recommend the cooler for the enthusiast but do feel it will work quite well for most mainstream systems.
    Now for the ever popular list of Good things and Bad things. happy smile
    The Good Things
    Bright blue lights.
    Large heatsink, make others feel inadequate.
    heatsink will fit most motherboards without modification.
    Variable fan speed controller, lowers noise, increases fun
    The Bad Things
    Fan very loud at highest settings
    Fan hard to replace except with smaller 92mm unit
    Not recommended for overclocked systems
    Ninjalane Rating
    I would like to thank Gigabyte for helping to make this review possible.