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NVidia GeForce GTS 450 Video Card Review
Author: Will West
Published: Monday, September 13, 2010

Left 4 Dead 2
With loud and fast moving zombies coming after you in endless waves, Left 4 Dead 2 runs on the Valve's seven year old Source game engine, and runs well on even old hardware. Even though it's old, it still pushes hardware and is a good game to run benchmarks on. The storyline is simple; you and 3 survivors are found trapped in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and must find safety among the hordes of dead.
When testing Left 4 Dead 2 all of the settings were turned up to their highest, and Anisotropic Filtering was turned to 16X. Anti-Aliasing was turned to 8X to smooth out all of those jagged edges for a crisp visual experience.

L4D2 is not very demanding on any GPU, but it is very popular among gamers. So with this in mind, the GTS 450 handles just about any resolution a gamer needs in Left 4 Dead 2. In the benchmarks, it just about ties with the Radeon 5750. The GTS 450 shows that it can keep up with the GTS 250 as well.