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Consumer Electronics Showcase (CES) Day 2
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Sunday, January 14, 2007

Wow Wee
The last company I visited and wasn't even on my list but after being dive bombed by a robot dragonfly I took it as a sign that I should go and investigate.
The Wow Wee is the company that invented the Robosapien that we first saw during the 2004 Computex show. They have since created a couple of new produces that actually look like real fun to play with. The first is a remote control dragonfly. This little unit almost took the heads off of several passers by but once airborne seemed to attract the attention of everyone. What is unique about the new Dragonfly is that it has no rudder or propellers, it moves entirely by flapping its plastic wings.
The other interesting item is a new bug like robot with over 30 some sensors. It has no arms but can dance, sing, and react to user input. (or at least appeared to react to what people did as they walked by). They are still working on this item though I'd expect it to really take off when its done.
Given that I only had 10 hours to spend at this years CES I must say I was very impressed with the show and how it was run, the shuttle service was very good and had the Las Vegas traffic cooperated the experience would have been even better. I will have to admit I was disappointed in the lack of PC hardware exhibits as that was all I indented to report on. As you can guess CES is geared towards personal electronics and the trend this year was on Hi Def, high def sound, hi def picture, high def resolution, and high def processing. I'm not sure what next year will bring though it is pretty safe to say there will be more exhibits and more people.