
Intel DZ87KLT-75K Motherboard @ Hardware Secrets

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I'm pretty sure that Intel stopped making motherboards,  It was like big news and there was people rioting in the streets and hitting the Internet to complain.  And, just as we got everything cleaned up "this" lands in my inbox.

The Intel DZ87KLT-75K is a high-end socket LGA1150 motherboard targeted for the "Haswell" processors (fourth-generation Core i3, Core i5, and Core i7 processors), coming with a Thunderbolt port, one Mini PCI Express/mSATA slot, a PLX switch chip, and more. Let's see what this motherboard has to offer.

Dunno about you but seeing Intel branded skulls over blue heatsinks is flashing me back to those rioting days and all the death and destruction forthwith.  I just hope when Intel apologizes this time for the lapse in their judgement that their loyal buyers don't pull stock and walk away. 

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