Tech News

  • Cyrix will not ever do SMP

    Published: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 | By: Dennis

    VIA hardware has the scoop on the Cyrix dually that was seen at CeBit. It seems that someone made an error when they placed a Cyrix chip on the motherboard we linked to earlier. Any event here is a quote:

    A employee of VIA/Cyrix has confirmed that the Cyrix III will not work in SMP. It is technically not possible for them to work in SMP. There have recently been a few rumors about Cyrix III and SMP due to pictures taken at Cebit showing so.
    The pictures are no doubt real, but the setup was more then likely caused by human error.
    The current line of VIA processors will not work in SMP because of lack of an APIC, however it is still possible the upcoming C5X core may

    So there you have it Cyrix sux again.

  • Gamesurround Fortissimo II

    Published: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Ever since the buyout of Aureal by Creative I've been looking for an alternative sound card. Don't get me wrong the SB Live that I have works great but I always liked the Digital out option that my Aureal Vortex II had but without Windows2k drivers its pretty much worthless. Though now I think I might have found a replacement. Hercules has released a second-generation sound card that looks quite appealing.

  • Dual Cyrix processors

    Published: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 | By: Dennis

    This is quite interesting, At the recent CeBit convention one of the booths had a 1U server complete with two processors. Normally this wouldn't really be a big deal except that the processors where the new Samuel II processors by Cyrix. It would seem that all of the x86 processor makers are jumping on the SMP bandwagon.

    On another note the motherboard seen in the photo looks a lot like the board Freeway Designs uses in their servers.

  • New Home for

    Published: Saturday, March 24, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Like the subject says we have moved to a new and improved server and looking at the recent stats it would seem most of the users would agree.

    Just to recap a few weeks ago I posted some photos of the bare-bones web server that acted as a temporary host for this site. During that time the original server moved to a new location. With the downtime the owner decided that he would upgrade the system by replacing the whole thing, nice guy huh?
    Now that everything is complete, tested and approved this site has moved and the bare- bones systems usefulness has come to an end.

    Though I must admit for a lil' P166 it did quite well.

  • CeBit Starts Today

    Published: Thursday, March 22, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Like the topic says CeBit starts today in Hannover today and will last until March 28th.

    If anyone is in the Hannover area and is planning to attend the show stop by the Freeway Design booth and check out the stuff.

  • How to stay alive in Multiplayer games

    Published: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 | By: Dennis

    3D Action Planet has another gaming tip for all of us. This time it is on "How to Survive a Multiplayer Game". Most of the tips in the article are really common sense to most of us, though there are a few in there that I forgot about.

    So see this article as a "refresher course in multi player gaming".

  • Product Activation protection scheme sucks

    Published: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 | By: Dennis

    It would appear that the Product Activation protection scheme that Microsoft has placed on its XP line of products has got the beta testers all sorts of pissed off.

    I would get pissed too if I had to re-register every month or whenever I swapped out video cards.

  • Linux Based Gaming

    Published: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Linux gaming console, what a concept.

    With more and more games being ported to Linux (i.e. Doom, Quake) the platform looks to be very versatile.

    I wonder what will happen once the Linux hacker types get a hold of it.

  • The World's First Dual AMD Board

    Published: Monday, March 19, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Tyan has done it again, this time with the first dual processor AMD motherboard.
    Tyan has been known for building high quality motherboards for Mid-range to High-end Workstations and Servers. Knowing this, it is no wonder why they wouldn't jump at the opportunity of building a dually AMD system.

  • Best Looking Game Ever

    Published: Saturday, March 17, 2001 | By: Dennis

    A sneak peak site has been established for Epic's new game Unreal II. I've heard rumors about how great this game is supposed to be and after looking at the screenshots and concept art I have started to believe them.