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  • reviews
  • cooling
  • CoolerMaster Ramsink Round-up
  • CoolerMaster Ramsink Round-up



    Here at Ninja Lane, we generally buy our ram with heatsinks already attached as to not complicate issues, but for those of you not into that solution or need an alternative we might have an answer. CoolerMaster Ram chip Coolers, they come in two flavors, copper and aluminum. Each package contains eight ramsinks and are designed to fit just about any application that might require a small heatsink, these might include video card memory, older chipsets, South Bridge chips and of course memory modules.
    Looking around the lab we found a couple of items that might benefit from these little heatsinks, an old chipset from a 430TX motherboard and a new GeForce4 MX that is currently under testing here in the Nli Labs.
    Installation was a breeze thanks to this very cool and easily applied thermally conductive two-sided tape. CoolerMaster claims that this tape will hold its strength under the most extreme of conditions and they aren't kidding. I applied two of these heatsinks to the chipset and was a little worried that they might come loose, but in fact, they stuck hard. On the GeForce4, same deal. Just be sure you measure twice and stick once.
    These heatsinks don't really have that much surface area to dissipate heat but do have enough mass to work quite well in situations like chipsets and memory. Both of our test cases showed that the heatsinks did do their job. Even though we didn't take accurate measurements before and after the time tested method of sticking a finger on it proved them to be not hot, but definitely warm.
    The Good Things
    Easy Application
    They work
    Won't fall off (All in all)
    The Bad Things
    A little thick for memory module usage.
    Ninjalane Rating
    I would like to thank CoolerMaster for helping make this review possible.