
Google+ isn’t for us, it’s for researching us

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I'm going to go ahead and put this opinion piece into the "No S#t" category and leave it at that.  Google+ launched with the promise that it may be able to compete with Facebook as a social media alternative.  I suspect that Google hoped their large user base would help launch them into social stardom and a year later the hype was gone and all those G+ buttons I placed on this website have gone un-used.

Heck I suspect most people with a Google+ account don't even bother logging in on a daily basis.  

On paper, Google+ is a beautiful, compelling, rich product. So why don’t I care?

When Google’s answer to Facebook first launched nearly two years ago, I was a cheerleader. Like everyone else, I was frustrated by the lack of control I had over Facebook and the early signs of “Facebook fatigue” (a phrase we’re now gratuitously throwing around) were starting to set in. Google+ had been under wraps for years; it was like this Internet-wide Easter Egg that we were so excited to finally see.

And I tried really, really hard to like it. And I still don’t.

The obviousness of it all is that Google uses everything own/build to market themselves,  They use Gmail to serve you ads and even tailor search results.  They use Youtube for the same purpose and, wouldn't you know it, they use g+ results to not only tweak your search engine position but also to tailor search results to those fortunate enough to click the little g+ button.

This is just smart business and a rather ingenuous way to tweak SEO.  It also makes the internet more responsive to the people searching for something.  its too bad Google+ will never be anything more than a fad.  /#opinion

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