
July 5th - Take Inventory

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Ok the 4th has past and now its time to see how well you did.
5 fingers on each hand? - (approve smiledissapprove smile)
2 hands on each arm? - (approve smiledissapprove smile)
5 toes on each foot? - (approve smiledissapprove smile)
2 feet on each leg? - (approve smiledissapprove smile)
Misc peices depending on sex. - (approve smiledissapprove smile)
Still can see ok? - (approve smiledissapprove smile)
Still can hear ok? (a slight ringing should go away) - (approve smiledissapprove smile)

If everything checks out with a approve smile I think its safe to say this last 4th of July was a success. big grin smile

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