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Recycled Case Mod Project
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Monday, January 07, 2002

Case Cooling Playtime Style
Here is the original case side; you will notice the vents down towards the bottom. This was the main reason for
buying a second case, that way we could borrow the other side (without vents) to place the fans in.
Near the front of the case between the motherboard tray and the front panel there was just
enough room to fit 3 80mm fans. Pictured here is how we decided on fan placement.
After marking the location with the case assembled the panel was removed so we would mark the actual fan locations and relative
screw attachment points.
With a standard 3" hole saw and high-powered drill the fan openings are cut. The fans are then trial fit so the mounting
holes could be marked and drilled. Care needs to be taken with this step, one slip of the hole saw and the entire panel could be
Here is the side panel from the current case after it was painted. If you look carefully you might notice
that the vent holes look a little funny. This I because I pounded them closed and then filled up the gaps with Bondo.
(The same stuff auto body shops use to fill dents) Unfortunately this is the phase I didn't take photos of, so you will have to
trust me. I'll do a feature article on how to use body filler sometime in the near future.