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ShegoServer - The Green Watercooled Machine
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Day 10 - Waterblock Installation
This mod is actually almost done, if you happened to follow the worklog in the Ninjalane Message Forum you would have noticed that it actually took 5 months to get to this stage, between ordering parts and running things in the Ninjalane Labs, however the time really flew by.
The Innovatek kit only came with enough parts to cool a CPU and since I wanted to watercool the entire system a few parts had to be ordered. The first was a GPU cooler. It is a proven fact that the Kyro II didn't produce any excess heat but the block was added anyway. The Springdale Northbridge on the other hand does produce a fair amount of heat and without a fan to keep it cool it could easily overheat.
The only trick to installing an Innovatek waterblock on an Intel chipset is that your board has to have 4 mounting loops and the loops cannot have any obstructions between them else the mounting bar will not fit. In the case of the Abit IS7 shown here I needed to mod the loop to get the mounting bar to fit.
The only thing left to do is run a set of hoses, fill the system, and test for leaks
I'm using a Expansion Slot AC Relay Switch from FrozenCPU to control the pump, this makes installation very clean and easy. The relay comes with a control switch so you can run the pump without the system being on and there is a convent buzzer to alert you of any pump failures.