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ShegoServer - The Green Watercooled Machine
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Day 2 - Side Fans
A signature item that has been part of every casemod here at Ninjalane is the addition of 2 or more case fans to the motherboard side of the case. These fans are typically 80mm units and are installed to provide extra airflow to the system. Since this particular case has terrible cooling the extra openings are almost required.
Cutting a round hole into the side of a case is not difficult, the basic idea is to use fan grills to mark where the fans will go, then trace around the outermost ring, and this will give you a line to cut against. When it comes to cutting I find hole saw to work best, however a certain degree of cleanup is always required. You could use a dremel tool for this (I have) just go slow and watch the line otherwise you're libel to make an egg.
Believe it or not but this is the extent of the physical case modding, everything else would either be mounted inside the case or was already available.