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  • reviews
  • motherboards
  • Soltek SL-75FRV Motherboard Review
  • Soltek SL-75FRV Motherboard Review


    Board Features Cont.

    Board Features Cont.
    One thing I really like about Soltek motherboards is the stickers they include on every motherboard making it real easy to tell what each motherboard features without having to consult a manual or spec sheet.

    Since the release of the SL-75DRV4 every Athlon motherboard from Soltek has used the Purple Ray PCB coloring. This really gives Soltek some market recognition despite other companies using similar colors. I should also mention that some pre-release KT400 boards from Soltek were silver including one that was at Quake Con earlier this year.
    The only bad thing about purple is trying to color match your expansion cards and/or other case mods, the color is almost too unique.