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About Ninjalane - Website History
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Sunday, February 06, 2011

Introduction - History
One of the first questions I always get asked is where did the name "Ninjalane" come from? Well the answer to that is simple, my motorcycle. I own a 1992 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-7 and back in my youth around the dawn of consumer accessible Internet access I started building my own computers. The natural progression was to create a network with those computers and well "Ninja Ln" was the name I gave it. I liked the name and it stuck with me over the years.
An interesting fact the skyscraper I designed as part of my thesis project was called Ninjalane Tower. But that was just the beginning of a long list of things tagged as "Ninjalane".
These are currently the best photos I have of the bike, so don't laugh they were taken back in '97
An interesting fact the skyscraper I designed as part of my thesis project was called Ninjalane Tower. But that was just the beginning of a long list of things tagged as "Ninjalane".
These are currently the best photos I have of the bike, so don't laugh they were taken back in '97
The next question is "So why all of the Ninja graphics on the website?" Well aside from the shuriken (A Ninjalane original design btw) the graphics are pretty typical and actually follow the theme that you'll find on my motorcycle.
Many of you know this already but the Kawasaki racing colors are green and blue and almost all of the Super Bikes of the time were painted to match. Well I didn't like the green so I repainted it. 4 time to be precise. The first paintjob was a tiger stripe of pearl white and Guards red (blood red). Sadly the bike was damaged in a parking lot while I attended some of my college classes and all of the plastic had to be replaced. The next paintjob was almost completely red and featured some custom body panels but even that didn't last, the panels rattled so much I had to go back to the stock plastic. The 3rd and 4th paintjobs happened right after each other with the 4th being the design I kept. It featured a pearl white basecoat with guards red scallops and stripes. The lower faring had a sweeping arc that was also to contain some custom Kawasaki artwork that I never got around to finishing. You'll find these design elements in the Ninjalane logo and current site design. For those of you without a design bone in your body the red scallops can be found in the Ninjalane text while the sweeping arc is what ties the design together.
Many of you know this already but the Kawasaki racing colors are green and blue and almost all of the Super Bikes of the time were painted to match. Well I didn't like the green so I repainted it. 4 time to be precise. The first paintjob was a tiger stripe of pearl white and Guards red (blood red). Sadly the bike was damaged in a parking lot while I attended some of my college classes and all of the plastic had to be replaced. The next paintjob was almost completely red and featured some custom body panels but even that didn't last, the panels rattled so much I had to go back to the stock plastic. The 3rd and 4th paintjobs happened right after each other with the 4th being the design I kept. It featured a pearl white basecoat with guards red scallops and stripes. The lower faring had a sweeping arc that was also to contain some custom Kawasaki artwork that I never got around to finishing. You'll find these design elements in the Ninjalane logo and current site design. For those of you without a design bone in your body the red scallops can be found in the Ninjalane text while the sweeping arc is what ties the design together.
The last question I get is usually around the shuriken and why it is there. Well this is another dynamic element that made its first appearance with Ninjalane v2.0 and as a direct result of something the site admin over at said. Well here is a quote
Posted by J0rdan on: 2000-12-10 14:21:02 in category: General Site News
News Source: J0rdan
Yes, those whacky, throwing-star wielding devils over at Ninja Lane are taking a look at another FC-PGA duallie, this time the eagerly anticipated (by some) Abit VP6!
The VP6 has so far lived up to my expectations. We had originally planned on doing a shootout between the Freeway and the EpoX. But after installing and running the first couple of benchmarks, it was decided that comparing a Ferrari to a Honda Civic was just not practical. To its credit the EpoX board was very stable and reliable (hence the Civic reference), and probably a good platform for a low-end server but certainly not a gaming rig, not like the Abit or Freeway board (at least not this gamer). And for those of you out there saying, "If you want a gaming rig why are you running duallies?" My answer: Because two is better than one!
You may want to take a peak. If Abit would send us our VP6, Hooz would be more than happy to abuse the crapola out of it with his 600E's.
This quote is still posted on their website you can find it here
This quote actually started the whole Shuriken movement, I started watermarking photos with it and eventually made it part of the logo. Now days you can find the Ninjalane star on everything we do including the latest series of Ninjalane company t-shirts.
Posted by J0rdan on: 2000-12-10 14:21:02 in category: General Site News
News Source: J0rdan
Yes, those whacky, throwing-star wielding devils over at Ninja Lane are taking a look at another FC-PGA duallie, this time the eagerly anticipated (by some) Abit VP6!
The VP6 has so far lived up to my expectations. We had originally planned on doing a shootout between the Freeway and the EpoX. But after installing and running the first couple of benchmarks, it was decided that comparing a Ferrari to a Honda Civic was just not practical. To its credit the EpoX board was very stable and reliable (hence the Civic reference), and probably a good platform for a low-end server but certainly not a gaming rig, not like the Abit or Freeway board (at least not this gamer). And for those of you out there saying, "If you want a gaming rig why are you running duallies?" My answer: Because two is better than one!
You may want to take a peak. If Abit would send us our VP6, Hooz would be more than happy to abuse the crapola out of it with his 600E's.
This quote is still posted on their website you can find it here
This quote actually started the whole Shuriken movement, I started watermarking photos with it and eventually made it part of the logo. Now days you can find the Ninjalane star on everything we do including the latest series of Ninjalane company t-shirts.