Tech News

  • Get Gray Hair if you use Windows2k

    Published: Friday, April 20, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Believe this or not, copied directly from Microsoft.

    If a user group contains more than 500 users, the hair color of the "person" icon for the group changes to gray. This does not affect the functionality of the group or the users for whom the hair color of the icon changes. This issue affects built-in groups, local groups, and global groups.

  • SMB Exploit Compromises NT Security

    Published: Friday, April 20, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Port 139 is bad!!

    An application called SMBRelay, written by cDc's Sir Dystic, exploits a design flaw in the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol on Win NT/2K boxes, easily enabling an attacker to interpose himself between the client and the server.

    Read more on the reasons why at the register.

  • Kyro 3

    Published: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 | By: Dennis

    With the release of the Kryo II and the benchmarks that show it to be faster than the GeForce 2 Ultra (at some things) it is no wonder that there are rumors of a successor. The Kyro III or STG5000 will definitely have support for T&L though the board architecture will remain the same as the Kryo II.

  • New Boards from Tyan

    Published: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 | By: Dennis

    I saw this post over at today. It seems that xbit has gotten the inside scoop on some exciting new motherboards from Tyan.

    Dual Fosters, Dual Athlon, just about enough to make your mouth water.

  • 128mb GeForce3 from Hercules

    Published: Monday, April 16, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Reactor Critical has gotten word from sources close to Guillemot/Hercules that they plan to release a 128mb version of the 3D Prophet III in May.

    There have been rumors of a 128mb enabled card ever since the inception of the first GeForce, maybe this time it will happen.

  • Dual 2Ghz Athlon Sandra Scores

    Published: Monday, April 16, 2001 | By: Dennis was sent a sandra screenshot of a dual Athlon system running at 1.99Ghz.
    Knowing that many of us are good enough at photoshop to pull something like this off it is still interesting to see.

  • 3D Prophet III @ ActiveWin

    Published: Friday, April 13, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Another blue beast from Hercules has been spotted over at ActiveWin. There are a few good screenshots that explain the drivers and install but I don't think they took any original photos. For instance on the first page you will see two versions of the same card. One photo shows the Geforce III with GF2U RamSinks and the other photo shows the same card with the GF3 RamSinks. Makes you wonder what ones you will be getting on your card.

  • MSI 694D Master-S Dual

    Published: Thursday, April 12, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Overclockers online have posted a review of a new MSI board the 694D Master-S. I suspect the S stands for SCSI. The board chuck full of features like ATA100, SCSI, Dual CPU, and AGP Pro. No IDE RAID though; then again Win2k does wonders with Dynamic disks.

  • GeForce2 MX 400 64mb

    Published: Thursday, April 12, 2001 | By: Dennis

    The Geforce2 MX is back and this time sporting a higher clock speed, more memory, and a new name. Though that is about it. Anandtech has the scoop.

  • Oxygen good for the brain?

    Published: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 | By: Dennis

    Here is a funny tidbit that has some scientific backing. It appears that sugar and oxygen help us all do mental tasks. Could this be the reason we are compelled to drink soda (i.e. Jolt, Pepsi, Mtn. Dew, etc...) while working on complex mental tasks like playing games or homework? Or maybe it is just the caffeine.