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Computex 2009 Day 1 – Taipei Taiwan
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Sunday, June 07, 2009

There are always several companies that don't want the expense of setting up a show booth so you will usually find them at the Hyatt hotel near the World Trade Center. EVGA was one such company and the funny thing was my trip to their suite was only to give Peter Tan (Shamino) the Ninjalane shirt I promised him.
That one quick stop turned into a 90min official meeting and mild BS session.
That one quick stop turned into a 90min official meeting and mild BS session.

Sadly the Hyatt suites are not designed for anything but night photography so our photos of the new P55 and Classified boards are kind of crappy.
That pretty much concludes our Day 1 coverage of Computex 2009, be sure to check out the other 3 days and soon to be published supplemental coverage article dedicated to the pretty little booth babes of Computex.