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Gigabyte Radeon HD5750 Silent Cell Video Card Review
Author: Will West
Published: Saturday, May 22, 2010

Overclocking with a card that is completely made up of passive cooling can be very tricky. This Radeon HD 5750 was made to run cooler than the normal active cooled version so the potential for overclocking is very much there. We fired up the Catalyst Control Panel to see how far we could push it, overall the results were not bad for being passive cooled.

Pulling an extra 150MHz on the core and 100MHz on the Memory is nothing to ignore given there is no fan. Of course at this speed the temperatures did go up, but well within tolerance of operational specifications. We did try adding a 120mm fan close to the heatsink which did lower the operating temperature, but didn't allow us to overclock the card anymore.
Let's see what the extra speed can do for us.
Let's see what the extra speed can do for us.

More FPS can be seen all throughout the resolutions with huge returns on the overclock in the 1680x1050 resolution. This is an indication of that the overclock is every bit a success of getting more game for your buck.

Once again an increase can be seen in all resolutions, but nothing to spectacular, yet an extra 5 FPS across the board is not bad. Keep in mind this is still free performance that can apply differently to different games.